Vintage Anker Watch – just a little bit Nazi?


Watch Me Go just picked up a vintage Anker watch which G is particularly taken with. It’s got a red, white and black face with lots of gold accents. It’s a very unusual style in the UK, although it was probably more common in Germany where it was made.

Anker Vintage Watch

Anker was set up in the mid-19th century by Andreas Huber in Bavaria. They gained a reputation to rival their Swiss neighbours, making the clocks and chronometers for Zeppelins and being the official timekeeper provider for the 1936 Berlin Olympics. A contract which would have been hard to win for anyone not pals with the Nazis.

Looking at the watch again, the black, white, red and gold colour take on a slightly sinister edge. Could it have been made before the factory and sales office were destroyed by bombing in the war? Or would it have been made after the war, in the 50s? We’re still trying to find out more. If there are any Anker experts out there, let us know…

3 Responses to “Vintage Anker Watch – just a little bit Nazi?”

  1. 1 afezolis aris

    like to by the watch from fotograf..may i?and how much it cost?

  2. I have one much older than the one shown, but I`m having trouble finding an expert on Anker Watches. For photos contact me at This watch works, made in Germany.

  3. This is the weirdest thing that ever happened to me and its hard for me to figure. I am fixing up an old house in Germany that belonged to my wifes parents, and their parents, and ~~~ way back. The windows were in bad shape, so I restored all of them in the house and shop, but first I had to get to them. Covered in nails and wire with stuff hung every place, in wood and concrete ~ it took months.
    Yesterday, we found one automatic Anker watch in a drawer in the shop behind the house in a cabinet. Still in great shape + it was working and had correct time ~ we all agreed, but no knob on the side for winding up or setting .Probably put there by my wifes opa age 90, before 1999 when the shop was closed up since. Cleaning out the “opa-museum” a surgical tool / instrument makers shop took months, but full of many old machines and things.
    Oddest part is Opa had been in a russian prison during the 2nd world war ~ last night a truck driver who got stuck on our road/mainstreet, that I helped one night a few weeks ago, stopped by to thank us in a very Russian way. The bag he brought had Vodka and wine and food. We proceeded to get sauced. Since, Russians get offended,if you don’t drink with them. I haven’t been drunk in 20 years. Getting up today took quite a while. When researching the info about the watch, I noticed it stopped overnight at about 7:40pm last night, the same time the Russian came knocking on the door.
    I tapped on the back of the watch today, it started working again. Now the time is wrong and there is no way to set it. Will have to take it to a shop to get it set.

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